Tag Archive for President Donald J. Trump

Standing Up to Trump’s Tyranny on Independence Day


“These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us,…

The Rising Tide of the Populist Right


The Threat of Political Climate Change – Countering the Bannon Archipelago – By John Feffer – In the Americas, the Trump tsunami has swept across both continents and the “pink tide” of progressivism has all but disappeared from the southern half of the hemisphere. In Europe, with the recent exception of Spain, the left has…

Have We Crossed the Rubicon Now with Trump?


U.S. Senator Doug Jones Expresses Concerns About Attorney General William Barr’s Objectivity in Pending Investigations of the Trump Administration – By Glynn Wilson – It seems we may have reached the point of crossing the Rubicon with the presidency of Donald J. Trump. You may recall that the phrase refers to Julius Caesar’s crossing of…

Mad As Hell, Going Crazy? Don’t Take It Anymore


America Leads the World in An Ongoing Anxiety Epidemic – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – It’s a perfectly lovely, sunny day along the Gulf Coast, hovering around 70 degrees as I write this, and the thing to do is to sit outside on the back deck and enjoy a Sunday breakfast, and…

The Power of Myth to Obscure the Truth


The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson – Here we are on Easter weekend, a time of year when the power of myth at its height in our society. Many good Christian capitalists will attend church services this Sunday even though they rarely darken the door of a so-called house of god at any other…

Redacted Mueller Report Lets Trump Off the Hook for Conspiracy to Collude With Russia, Leaves a Determination on Obstruction of Justice Up to Congress


By Glynn Wilson – In stark contrast to the fearless federal prosecutor President Donald J. Trump has worried about for the past two years and a majority of the American people have expected to hear from when Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued his investigative report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, the nearly full…

U.S. Attorney General William Barr Holds Press Conference on Mueller Report


William Barr, President Donald Trump’s most recent appointee as U.S. Attorney General, held a press conference Thursday morning on the eve of Easter Weekend. In advance of his release of a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether the president or his…

Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – Everybody who is anybody knows by now that Donald Trump is a liar, a cheat and a bad president. Even the Republicans who are afraid of Trump and his friends in the Russian Mob know this, even if they won’t admit it in public. The 200 million…

When the Going Gets Weird, the Weird Turn Pro


“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1971 Fear and Loathing – By Glynn Wilson – Sorry straight news fans. I woke up in the middle of an acid flashback this morning and there’s nothing I can do but tell the story. The…