Tag Archive for President Donald J. Trump

Trump and Bannon’s ‘America First’ is Dangerous


By Robert Reich – Donald Trump has reorganized the National Security Council – elevating his chief political strategist Steve Bannon, and demoting the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bannon will join the NSC’s principals committee, the top inter-agency group advising the President on national security. Meanwhile, the…

Trump’s Move to Approve Oil Pipelines Rekindles Battle in North Dakota


By Emma Niles – While President Donald J. Trump sharply changed the federal government’s approach to the environment this week as he cleared the way for two major oil pipelines that had been blocked by the Obama administration by signing presidential memorandums calling for the continued construction of the Dakota Access pipeline and the Keystone…

Why Jeff Sessions Would Be Unjust at the Justice Department


By Hank Sanders – Alabama Senator – I was asked, “Will you testify at the hearing on Jeff Sessions?” I said, “I will be glad to help in any way I can.” She said, “We don’t know how many witnesses the opposing side will have so that impacts who will testify.” It never occurred to…