Doug Jones Weighs in on Tuberville’s One Man Filibuster on Military Promotions

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Tuberville military2 1200x776 - Doug Jones Weighs in on Tuberville's One Man Filibuster on Military Promotions

Senator Tommy Tuberville: NAJ screen shot

By Glynn Wilson –

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Most people around the country have now found out about Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville’s one-man filibuster of military promotions. It’s been covered all over cable TV and shared all over social media.

He’s made it clear — by not being clear — that he’s against women in the military having abortions, and he’s against the military brass bypassing card carrying right-wing MAGA white nationalist racist types from getting promotions in the U.S. armed forces.


Alabama’s Tommy Tuberville Mounts a One-Man Blockade of Anti-MAGA Military Promotions

How Can We Compete With China When All Anyone in Washington Talks About is Abortion?

Well this week, former Senator Doug Jones — who lost to Tuberville in his reelection campaign in 2020 — sent out an email blast to supporters of his fund raising Pac talking about Tuberville’s filibuster.

DougJones vetparademobile3c 1200x812 - Doug Jones Weighs in on Tuberville's One Man Filibuster on Military Promotions

U.S. Senate candidate Doug Jones rides with organized labor in the Veterans Day Parade in Mobile, Alabama, Friday Nov. 10, 2017: Photo by Glynn Wilson

“By now, you know about Tommy Tuberville’s one-person hold on Senate confirmation of all generals and flag officers in our military,” he said. “It’s shocking that we don’t have a confirmed Marine Commandant for more than a century. But the damage to our military goes far beyond several hundred ‘top brass, though,” he added.

“It’s an active attack on the rights and dignity of over 200,000 active-duty women who have volunteered to serve our country. It’s an attack on the spouses of service members.

“It’s an attack based on a lie – that a DOD policy put in place following the Dobbs decision overturning Roe vs. Wade will provide “government-funded abortions.” It does not.

“And from the holds on key officers to the very personal decisions faced by women in the military, he is undermining the security of our country,” Jones said.

Tuberville first objected in a letter where he wrote that he did not understand how “the Dobbs decision will have significant implications for the readiness of the Force,” Jones said. He cited a RAND report estimating that 4,100 women might request travel and time off to exercise their reproductive rights.

“Frankly I am not sure he even read the report,” Jones says. “If he had he would have also seen these quotes (that were in a really big font):

By joining or remaining in service, women are agreeing to live under whatever state restrictions might be imposed. 40 percent of active-duty service women in the continental U.S. will have no or severely restricted access to abortion services where they are stationed.

If more of these unintended pregnancies are carried to term, DoD will need to provide care to women during pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period.

Ultimately, the most important effect [of the Dobbs decision] might be a decrease in force readiness and our national security.

“But Tuberville,” Jones said, “is just one person behind this attack on women.”

That first letter was also signed by a few other Republicans and 6 of them, like Josh Hawley and Marsha Blackburn, both running for re-election in 2024.

“Make no mistake,” Jones says. “This attack on women in the military will continue, so we have to do all we can to hold the Senate majority in 2024. If Tuberville can wreak this kind of havoc with our nation’s military while in the minority just imagine what he might do if he is in the majority. That’s why I’m going to once again do everything I can this cycle to support strong pro-democracy, pro-women, pro-freedom candidates across the country.”

Tuberville could not be reached for comment.


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