It’s All Over But the Shoutin’ – The Trump Reality Show is Canceled With 74 Million Votes

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The Big Picture – 
By Glynn Wilson

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For nearly four long years, America has endured Donald Trump’s deceit.

On a daily basis, he has lied in OUR White House, on Twitter and television, at times surrounded by MAGA cap wearing white fans in football stadiums.

From the day he first came out on stage in Ladd-Peebles stadium in Mobile, Alabama, in the home town of former Senator and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, this fake reality TV star fooled enough of the people to get himself elected president of the United States.

We saw it coming, but the establishment in New York and Washington wouldn’t listen.

So we’ve documented all the gnashing of teeth over the past years in excruciating detail as none of the legal bullets or bombs dropped on Trump landed with enough precision to destroy him, not the Mueller impeachment or even the coronavirus itself, which seemed to bounce off of him like a cannon ball hitting a teflon Superman T-shirt.

Now, nearly four years later, this Trump reality show is about to come to an end in what will hopefully be a pathetic losers finale, canceled by the votes of 74 million Americans who never liked this show from the start.

If there is any man alive who deserves the full force of karma, it is Donald Trump. He is by far the meanest, dumbest, most self-centered narcissist in the history of American politics. Whatever happens to him now should be horrible and ugly.

Even though he is from New York, not Alabama or Western North Carolina and should know better, he has behaved from day one without a shred of character or class. It’s as if he developed the character of a dumbass Alabama redneck by osmosis. It seeped into his blood stream from the aerosols spewed at him from the cries of “lock her up” from the crowds in those stadiums.

How many politicos have now disappeared who told us that Trump would grow in the job?

He didn’t.

Along with his buddy “Sloppy” Steve Bannon, Trump will now slink off to some corner of the world preserved for failed dictators, overthrown by “the people” in a world still striving for some shred of what’s left of democracy to survive.

Bannon was just kicked off of Twitter for death threats against Dr. ‎Anthony Fauci and FBI director Christopher Wray, saying their heads should be mounted “on pikes” outside the White House.

They just don’t get it.

The very idea of democracy itself hangs by a shred. The planet is in serious trouble.

Trump proved, one more time like no one else, that a politician — yes, Trump is a politician — can fool people into voting for him by denying reality itself.

While Biden leads in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia in the Electoral College by a few thousand votes and the race could be called at any moment now when the counting stops and most of the votes are counted, a sobering thought is that 70 million voters in the U.S. actually voted for Trump, again.

He almost lived his dream to become America’s first authoritarian dictator. He often acted like a king or divine emperor, but now we know he’s human. More than 74 million Americans showed up to vote, by far the most ever. We have Trump to thank for that, along with the coronavirus.

At least public affairs and politics caught the interest of the people in the Trump era. Maybe now they know why it is important to pay attention and participate in the democratic process.

In any event, it’s all over but the shouting’ now, baby, and Trump is going down — hopefully in time for the Sunday newspapers to get the banner headline right and the Sunday morning TV news shows to tell everyone the story in a way that it can’t be denied, not even by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court who Trump appointed thinking they would hand him our democracy on a platter.

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