
Rebuilding American Infrastructure With Millions in Grants


By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — There was a time in a previous reality when creating tens of thousands of good paying jobs while rebuilding America would have been big news in newspapers and on television news channels. Not anymore. Social media sensationalism and silly memes and videos have replaced the grocery store checkout…

Foreclosure Moratorium and Mortgage Forbearance Deadline Extended

ricardo gomez angel a08pAmglOOE unsplash 720x400 1 160x120 - Foreclosure Moratorium and Mortgage Forbearance Deadline Extended

Editor’s Note: We are happy to report that the new Biden administration has begun to restore factual email announcements from federal agencies to allow news organizations to once again provide reliable information to readers. For four years under the previous administration, all the public relations functions of federal agencies had been coopted by Trump loyalists…

There’s Not Much Time Left to Plan if We’re Going to Survive


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS, N.C. — We don’t have much time. It’s addicting in our newly evolved human condition to stay focused on the fast breaking news of the moment, the sensational clickbait. From day to day, we bounce back and forth from one crisis story to another.…